Sunday Services
8am, 1st Sunday - Holy Communion
This is a traditional quiet Holy Communion service (Book of Common Prayer).
9.30am, every Sunday - Parish Communion (1st Sunday Family Service)
Every Sunday throughout the year there is a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am, which involves the choir, hymns and music. On the first Sunday of the month this is a family service, at which children are particularly welcome.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service, when there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions.
For more detailed information about the service and what to expect please go to New to Church.
Quiet Services
Quiet services are designed to help still our busy minds through prayer, song and meditation to allow us to focus on our personal relationship with God. Everyone is welcome.
5pm, 2nd & 4th Sunday - Meditation Service
A service of poetry, music, prayer and stillness. The service lasts about 30mins and takes place in the choir vestry or a small side room.
5pm, 3rd Sunday - Taizé Service
Taizé services are based on prayer through songs which are often repeated or sung in canon. The repetition is designed to help meditation and to move prayer from the head to the heart. Feel free to just sit and listen or to sing along. The service is held in the main church and takes about 30 mins.